Sunday, March 3, 2013

Last Minute Scrambles

Thanks to the nEHV 1 outbreak, some extra last minute stress was added to the last minute preparations for our trip south.  I found out on Saturday morning that in order to be let into the Carolina Horse Park, all horses required a health certificate.  This wouldn't be such a big deal if I'd known this more than 36 hours before we were supposed ot leave, and if it had been a week day, rather than the weekend.  Anywho, one of the other vets from the clinic kindly popped out and after taking Cadence's heart & repsrates, checking her teperature, and confirming that she did not have a cough, he was on his merry way.  I'll probably be paying through the nose for that little visit, but it was very kind of him to come out on such short notice, especially since he wasn't on 'emergency duty'.  I'm off to pick up the papers from him now, and once that's done all I have to do is throw my clothes into my suitcase, and pack the car.  The trailer's already loaded with feed, hay, and 99% of Cadence's stuff, so basically all that's left is the waiting.  I think its finally hitting me that this is real.....


  1. Whoops, that must have been stressful. Best of luck! Can't wait to hear about your adventure!! :-)

  2. Health certs are so stupidly priced for what they are. Hopefully everything else is stress free. Can't wait to read about it!
