Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Jump Daze

In an attempt to manage the mare's new energy & fitness levels, and maximize our schools, we've re-worked our schedule a little. I've grouped the jump schools together and the flat schools & hacks together, with every flat school being preceded by either a hack or lunge day. This way she never flats after a day off, and hopefully grouping flat & jump schools will allow us to build off the previous day's work more effectively.

We had our first set of jump schools on Mon & Tues, and Cadence was brilliant. Monday we hopped through a gymnastic, set at 18 to 21 (a tight 1 to a tight 1) with the final jump being raised to over 4'

My goal for the ride was primarily to focus on Cadence's straightness, and my form. However we also focused a bit on responsiveness and my 'after ride' from the fences. Overall it was a great ride, but I noticed the biggest difference the next day when I had a polite, responsive, and engaged horse. Yay!
Yesterday we kept it pretty simple. We hopped over some tiny (2'3) verticals on a serpentine to work on lead changes and pace, and then cantered over a single 3' vertical, focusing on rhythm & pace, and staying balanced & not barging off on the right lead. We also hopped over one angled fence which Cadence jumped like it was at least 8'wide! But she was polite & sand about it, so we just moved on. Overall, it was a great 2 rides.

Cadence chilling in the indoor while I set up jumps :)

- Posted from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Soudns like some great rides... that last vertical in the first pic is BIG! aye!
