Monday, March 17, 2014

Write it in Pencil

Back when the omnibus was published, I took a look at the dates, checked my calendar, and wrote out a show schedule for the start of the season. I only planned as far ahead as June, as the rest of our season will largely depend on how confident she is after her upgrade. If she's a bit backed off, we'll run some of the 'softer' trainings but if she upgrades confidently we'll run some of the trickier courses that are more akin to a small prelim course. Anywho, our original plan was as follows:

CT & Xc school (Training)- April 20
Horse Trial (Pre-Training[Novice])- May 3
Horse Trial (Pre-Training)- May 17th-18th

Horse Trial (Training)- June 8th
So with about one month to go before our first show we're beginning to review dressage tests & do some coursework-type-exercises & focus on the technical elements of our jumping as much as possible given the limited space. In terms of training, we're right on mark. However, one month out we still have at least a foot of snow on the ground & the temperature never moves above freezing for more than a day. Thus the chances of my carefully scheduled show season actually going as planned are slim. Even if the snow miraculously melts by the end of the week, and we don't get any more, the chances of the ground drying out enough to be safe to run (Cadence is going brilliantly, and as we don't have any events that we need to run, I can afford to be a bit picky about what I run her on) are low. Moral of the story? Put it in pencil, because inevitably something will get in the way of even the best laid plans!
Show pony is ready to go play in the sandbox and show off her flicky toes!

1 comment:

  1. I feel bad for people who still have winter. Hope things improve quickly for you.
